Saturday, November 22, 2014

New Iraq Army Page 2, 3, 4, 5

Great to see them looking like a professional army.

I'm extremely impressed with the improvements since 2004 and the CPA. I had no idea that they had armor these days. congrats to them hopefully they can get some stuff done around there. It definitley bodes well for Iraq as a whole im sure it sways iraqi public opinion to see their own national army potrolling and fighting the insurgents/foreign fighters.

they use old american uniforms don't they ?

Manuthey use old american uniforms don't they ?

Does anyone know what kind of troop strength they are at right now?

Are these common sigts? Or are these pictures propaganda aimed at misleading people. I personally think these look legit and I'm very impressed with the Iraqi army.

But I ask about the realistic-ness (SorryI'm pretty sur that's not a real word) of these pictures.

It's refreshing to see the Iraqi Army look confident and professional. Great photos.

It's refreshing to see the Iraqi Army look confident and professional. Great photos.

I'd say they wont live another week after US forces will leave Iraq if it ever happened.

A short summary of New Iraqi Army/National Guard/Police vehicles spotted on the net:

And many more....        
                                                 Abbadon the Despoiler


rivokCommone "democracy".America is agressive country.She attack souvereign country irak without permission UN.America didn't find nuclear or chimical weapon....And now in Irak dead much more civils than Saddam kill....So who is killer?

...bad guy in the movie mainly described as a "black character" usually

what sort of night vision capabilities do they have?

great pictures indeed!

This my new favorite thread. Keep em comin!

UH-1H "Hueys for the new iraq airforce

เครดิต :

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