cmcNow is simply "stored". As far as I know it has never been upgraded to Lancer level.
Ok thanks could i have it then ?
droopyOk thanks could i have it then ?
I think they did sell/give the 6956 to a theme park so.. you never know.. ( not very sure though )
Nice pics! Tell us what is the additional chanell formed just
below the cocpit going under angle to the wing root? Explain please.
^ The integration of the new systems led to redesigning the
entire electrical system of the airplane. The wiring is different from
the basic version. Consumption being different was needed to install a
DC auxiliary generator and a climate control system (ECS - Environmental
Control System). The "chanell" is I believe part of the necessary
adjustment of airflow required for cooling all the new avionics blocks.
cmc^ The integration of the new systems led to redesigning the
entire electrical system of the airplane. The wiring is different from
the basic version. Consumption being different was needed to install a
DC auxiliary generator and a climate control system (ECS - Environmental
Control System). The "chanell" is I believe part of the necessary
adjustment of airflow required for cooling all the new avionics blocks.
Compressor air bleed to E-compartments? Nice. Pretty heavy modification. Thanks a lot for info.
KAF GDA (Kandahar Airfield Ground Defense Area) detachment "Angry Hawks” [
] composed of forces from the 17th Mountain Battalion "Dragoş Vodă”. Photos from their 5 months mission.
9th June 2013 KAF GDA (Kandahar Airfield Ground Defense Area)
detachment. "Angry Hawks� (17th Mountain Battalion "Dragoş Vodă�) give
command to TF "Jderi" (en. "Marten" see flag... apparently I don't know
animals name so it's not "Weasels" like I posted previously
). TF "Jderi" is formed with personal coming from 634th Infantry Battalion "Petrodava� (info from:
June 6th 2013 a company from the 307th Marine Infantry Battalion
training with a US Marine Platoon part of BLACK SEA ROTATIONAL FORCE 13.
The exercise scenario: a naval helicopter was shut down by pirates and
the pilots were captured on an island on Lake Razelm. The marines
undertook a rescue mission after recon and sniper elements were
positioned by performing an insertion by boat and helicopter (a IAR Puma
NAVAL). The exercise marked the first time a regular Romanian Marine
element performed an helicopter insertion.
On June 10-12th 2013 several ships of the fleet performed
exercises at sea the frigates King Ferdinand and Mărăşeşti corvette
Viceamiral Eugen Rosca minesweepers Lt. Remus Lepri and Lt. Lupu Dinescu
missile ships Pescăruşul and Lăstunul and a Naval Puma helicopter. King
Ferdinand frigate training activities were evaluated for national
certification for participation in the NATO Reaction Force (NRF) in 2014
while Mărăşeşti frigate was assessed for participation to the
international exercise Sea Breeze 2013. Also the high officers who will
be detached to the NRF headquarters in 2014 went through several
training modules.
Part of the same June 10-12th 2013 exercise... I just separated the boarding exercises for clarity of content.
Black Sea Rotational Force 2013 811th and 812 Infantry Battalions
training together with US Marines (MARFOREUR). You can tell that
they're units from the 81st Mechanised Brigade all the way in the north
of Transylvania just form the BTR-80 (the only unit that operates them)
and the camouflage pattern
May 2013 151st Infantry Battalion "Razboieni" aka. "Black Wolfs" prepare for their Afghan deployment.
Great pictures BogT thank you very much..
Zabul Afghanistan 2013... Recon (scouts) elements of TF
"Scorpioni Galbeni" from 32 Infantery Battalion "Mircea" during their
1st June 2013 30th Mountain Battalion "Dragoslavele" celebrates
146 years of existence with an public presentation (that I find nice
makes me want to be a kid again
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