Friday, December 12, 2014

Dutch military Page 75 - 78

                       I'm not questioning the troops at all don't get me wrong. They have my utmost respect and appreciation. Politicians on the other hand...

Anyway time for bed. Good night.


What's wrong with that? Since you've been posting a lot of Navy / Marines stuff I assumed you were in the Navy. There's a small amount of Navy personnel over here I don't see the problem here.

ThunderAre we preventing another 9/11 by being in Afghanistan (and fighting the Taliban)...? It certainly didn't prevent the London and Madrid bombings. The muslim extremists that are already here we need to worry about not a bunch of guys on sandals 5000km away.

Fighting the Taliban isn't the main goal here. By stabilizing the country terrorist groups like AQ don't have a proper homebase to provide training on a large scale to their recruits. I'm not saying this is an absolute solution for the threat of terrorist attacks here but doing nothing at all is a whole other ballgame. Btw the majority of the terrorists who took part in the Madrid and London bombings had visited Afghanistan and Pakistan prior to their crimes. I bet they weren't visiting their sick sister over here.

SiFiOnWhat's wrong with that? Since you've been posting a lot of Navy / Marines stuff I assumed you were in the Navy. There's a small amount of Navy personnel over here I don't see the problem here.

Right pictures.

There's some good WW2 pics on mindef click here.

I thought the Dutch were teh only ones who managed to create one thread where all Dutch photos video's and articles are posted. A typical example of Dutch effeciency...!!

Ssshttt nobody can see the original author of the pics.


Got that that's one more thing sorted out today.


VanLeeuwenbut we all know Afghanistan will never really stabilize..

I sure as hell don't know wether or not Afghanistan will ever really stabilize I believe it well but I know full well it might not and have no problems with trying

F16s been moved to Kandahar.

                       Bloody hell.

P.S. Should we create a Dutch elections thread or do we all agree on leftish hippies being annoying?


We shouldn't bail out of Afghanistan until our work there is done or until it is absolutely clear that we aren't making any progress and will not make any in the upcoming decade. Let's hope our "friends" in The Hague in the government to come will also think likewise.

I've been thinking about building a thread about it but there's so many stupid little parties with all their own stupid little opinions and figureheads that even I get confused when I try to sort it all out ... now I just want it to be over allready

I'm voting VVD and I'm not happy about it at all


That's the media for you they pick out the leftish b*tch's opinion and will make it seem like it is the opinion of the masses..
                                                 BraboAnd can some one record it? Would be nice I think

FrostAnd the fact that armed men were present inside the screbrenica-safe-zone and used to the UN forces as a shield and fired over their heads at the attacking forces made it even worse. The whole situation was FUBAR and the UN in general is to blame for that. Not our guys on the ground.

Not claiming to have any expert knowledge but can you substantiate the "used the UN forces as a shield and fired over their heads" part? The NIOD report has been heavily critizised for taking the "both sides were naughty" stance and others have reported the weapons left in the town were small arms only. Not to say the situation wasn't FUBAR to begin with. The whole safe-hafen concept was brought into the negotiations at the eleventh hour and never really thought through which was evident when there was no UN response when tanks rolled in (that one bomb with unknown effect was too little too late).

Oh and to make sure this post has any relevance to this thread: doesn't anyone know if next mondays broadcast of Dokument will appear on

JohnFrostNot claiming to have any expert knowledge but can you substantiate the "used the UN forces as a shield and fired over their heads" part? The NIOD report has been heavily critizised for taking the "both sides were naughty" stance and others have reported the weapons left in the town were small arms only. Not to say the situation wasn't FUBAR to begin with. The whole safe-hafen concept was brought into the negotiations at the eleventh hour and never really thought through which was evident when there was no UN response when tanks rolled in (that one bomb with unknown effect was too little too late).

Don't mean offense but mistakes were obviously made and I think it's important to acknowledge and learn from them. Seems the UN has learned looking at the missions in DR Congo and Libanon. So I think it's only fair to ask yourself "what could we have done better". Without talking about who is to blame for what.

Oh and to make sure this post has any relevance to this thread: doesn't anyone know if next mondays broadcast of Dokument will appear on

Yeah me 2!

Cool blog by an embedded reporter in Afghanistan (mainly Tarin Kowt).

Nice! To bad They dont got that video

Don't know if they have already been posted before but here goes:

Pictures are from fok forum.

haven't seen them before nice

I know I've seen them I can remember thinking that the guy in the front was really big

I just can't remember where

You guys might wanna have a look at this article....pretty disturbing if you ask me. Looking forward to that documentary....still 5 days to go

Oh noes I have just recieved a letter my AMO will start on the 27th in.. Ermelo :O

Whats that part on the front side of the tank thats sticking out?


In advance of the dutch documentry about the commando's in a'stan from NCRV's Dokument; the political discussion about the involvement of dutch troops increased today after the press release of the documentry (only accessible for press and politicians) that's going to be broadcasted next monday (already mentioned in an earlier post).

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Van Bommel en Karimi menen de Afghanistan-missie te weinig aan bod komt in de verkiezingsstrijd. Karimi: �De missie daar lijkt met de dag onuitvoerbaarder.� De VVD ziet geen probleem. �Wat de film laat zien is dat de werkelijkheid op de grond daar verschilt van de Haagse werkelijkheid over Afghanistan� meent VVD�er Van Baalen

Question (relating my previous post); in the above article is mentioned that dutch commando's take american intelligence officers with them on patrol. However the dutch themselves are not allowed to arrest and interregate Talibani's and hand them over to americans (because the dutch g'ment holds the opinion that the americans don't treat their prisoners well follow international laws). One of the pictures from the documentry was placed in the newspaper today. The text under it said 'dutch commando's working in Uruzgan' however this guy isn't a dutch commando (I think) who can identify him...??

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