Let's hope someone had in mind that our Honor guard should also get VHS instead of PAPovka.
Just like British they should carry domestic produced bullpup and not yugo version of Soviet SKS
Finally! How many VHS they will acquire?
Branko Vukelic MoD
we simply aren't lucky with ministers....
Karl AgathonJust like British they should carry domestic produced bullpup and not yugo version of Soviet SKS
zg18Finally! How many VHS they will acquire?
Some 20 000 seems like.
16 000 for active military personnel and 4 000 for reserve the
Militarium article stating HV focused more over equipping infantry
instead of heavy armaments was right almost about this part.
marcellogoIt can also spring from the dire memories of '91 when all croatians ran to take arms and arms weren't.
woops wrong post srry
Karl Agathon
Decent sum.
First 1000 assault rifles should be delivered in 2009
And the picture would have been complete if the one holding the VHS was in new CROPAT digicamo.
Minister of Defence Branko Vukelic and Director of HS Produkt
Zeljko Pavlin signed today May 15 in the Army Command in Karlovac
Framework Agreement on the Procurement of VHS assault rifle for
equipping the armed forces as well as the Treaty which refers to the
first phase of the equipping.
The ROYAL CRAVATTES have been fighting under French command in
many battles against the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy particularly after
1671. In the battle at Steenkerque 1692 the English had surprised the
French in their camp. English army was close to the victory had not the
French hussars without hesitation jumped onto their horses and repelled
the attackers. The French hussars were mainly from the Royal Cravattes
regiment who haven't had much time to properly knot their handkerchief
before mounting their horses. With their flying kerchief around necks
they entered the battle thus the French called it the "Cravatte la
Steenkerque" afterwards.
Croatian hussar had the standard equipment of French hussar
regiments. Grenadier of the 1st Croatian regiment in French service
about 1812.
in Croatian: Kravata in English: Cravat in French: Cravate
in German: Krawatte in Hungarian: Kravat in Italian: Cravatta
in Portugese: Gravata in Spanish: Corvatta in Flamish: Krawaat
and in Polish: Krawat.
Email Zvonko Springer at : zzspri@aon.at
Anyhow who has some pics?
valiant. but i cant take pictures today because i am involved in things where i cant play with camera.
Love karlovac.....check your PM.
Frm my perspective countries like Switzerland Greece Finland
Sweden are good examples for Croatia of course we are less developednot
enough money but we need closely to study experiance of this countries
and focus how to achieve similar results to acquire good military
deterrence in regional basis. I don't have anything about proffesional
military but if i have to chose between mixture of conscript/proffesinal
military in numbers and small 100% professinal military i would choose
1.st without any doubt.
U Boj I totally agree with you! In fact if I wound't have been
impterrupted during my last post (I was in a bar and they need to close
it) my conclusion will have been very similar to yours.
marcellogoI also would like a "well organized militia" instead
like in Swizerland Finland Sweden and from this sprung up also my
opposition to Eurofigters that are wonderful aircraft but suited for
countries of big size instead of it swedish Gripens finnish Helsinki and
Patria will fit your armed forces most perfectly.
i am going now and you can see me in hvu group(8th on the righthigh and skiny guy)
nothis is croatian mercedes and us humve
Pictures from ABG forum
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